While many people associate the dangers of texting with driving, you should also know that it can be very hazardous to text and walk.
Recently, The Today Show had a report about the subject, noting that a study found that people who text while walking move slower, drag their feet and wobble—all of which can lead to a pedestrian accident.
Researchers with the Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab of Texas A&M University found that “pedestrians tapping out messages on their devices could be at higher risk of tripping or putting themselves in danger’s way while crossing the road.”
According to the research findings, in which people were asked to go through an obstacle course, it took texters an average of 25 seconds to finish the course, while it took non-texters only 19 seconds.
Texters also took shorter steps—the average step length of texters was only 14 inches compared to 17 inches for those who were not on phones, according to The Today Show. Walkers on their phones also dragged their feet an average of 200 seconds during a timed walk, compared to 170 seconds for people who were not texting.
Experts said that they hope the study brings more attention to the dangers of distracted walking. It should be noted that a 2012 study found that texters take 18 percent more time to go through crosswalks than non-texters or people who do not use their phone.
Injured in a New Jersey Pedestrian Accident?
As this data shows, you should always avoid texting while walking. If you need to take a call or send a message to someone, you can easily stop walking and move away from other commuters and drivers.
Sadly, even when pedestrians use caution, they can still be injured or killed due to the recklessness or negligence of other drivers on the road. In 2014, there were 169 fatal pedestrian accidents in New Jersey.
If a careless driver has left you injured or killed your loved one, speak to our Middlesex County injury lawyers about how you can hold him or her liable. While money will not bring your loved one back or help you fully recover from a devastating injury, it can help you mend and pay for bills associated with your accident.
We have several decades of experience representing New Jersey pedestrian accident victims. For regular updates from our Middlesex County car accident lawyers, we encourage readers to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Spevack Law Firm – Middlesex County Injury Attorneys
Source: http://www.today.com/health/yes-texting-while-walking-actually-dangerous-says-study-t35336