Juvenile Delinquency Cases Are Teachable Moments for Your Child
Young people are often unfairly accused of breaking the law, even when they are completely innocent or just hanging around somewhere where a crime was committed.
While juvenile delinquency cases in some ways resemble the criminal cases of adult defendants, there is an entirely separate juvenile justice system for offenders under the age of 18. In New Jersey, juvenile cases are heard in family court, because it is in part a family matter when young people are accused of breaking the law. Unfortunately, juveniles do not have the constitutional right to a jury trial and therefore, their guilt or innocence is decided by a judge during a bench trial.
Compassionate Advocacy in The Juvenile Justice System
Minors can exhibit a wide range of criminal conduct and behavioral problems that are often successfully addressed and corrected through the juvenile justice system. These can include:
- Drug charges
- Assault
- Theft
- Robbery
- Sexual assault
- Computer crimes and online harassment
- Fighting
As your attorney, we will fight for your child to ensure that your child is not treated unfairly in the juvenile justice system and will advocate to avoid your child having a juvenile record.
Schedule A Free Initial Phone Consultation
If your son or daughter is facing charges in the juvenile justice system, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. To schedule a free initial phone consultation or an appointment, call (732) 636-3030.
We offer family law services in both English and Spanish. Servicios legales disponibles en español.