Why Did a NJ Woman Sue Dunkin’ Donuts?

According to myCentralJersey.com, a North Plainfield woman recently settled a lawsuit with Dunkin Donuts after she was injured falling in a parking lot, resulting in hot coffee spilling on her face and neck. Photo of gavel

The news source reported that the case was scheduled to go to a jury trial in September, prior to the $500,000 settlement. The woman fell when she was walking out of the restaurant to her car in 2012. She reportedly tripped on a dislodged curb stop, which caused her to tumble over and spill the hot items on herself.

She suffered significant injuries to her face, neck, hands and knee, which required treatment at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick and the response of the Highland Park First Aid Squad. Some of her injuries allegedly required surgery.

The woman filed the lawsuit against Dunkin’ Donuts, the operators of the franchise and the owners of the property. She claimed that basic property maintenance could have prevented the accident from occurring.

Have a Slip-and-Fall Accident or Property Injury Investigated by Our Middlesex Attorneys

As this case shows, slip-and-fall accidents or trip-and-falls can result in significant injuries for victims. Even though they may appear to be minor in nature when you read about them in the news, victims can suffer broken bones, spinal cord injuries and head injuries.

Property owners have a duty to make sure their premises are free of hazards that may cause trips or slips. Some common dangers that can produce slip-and-fall accidents or trips include wet or oily surfaces, unanchored concrete, rugs or mats and flooring or other surfaces that do not have traction.

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident, speak to our Middlesex County injury lawyers about your legal rights. You may be able to file a lawsuit against a property owner seeking compensation that can help pay for injury treatment and rehabilitation, as well as your pain and suffering.

For further reading about premises liability law in New Jersey, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can speak to someone from our Middlesex County law firm now by calling (732) 636-3030.

Spevack Law Firm – Middlesex County Injury Attorneys

Source: http://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/middlesex-county/2015/09/14/somerset-woman-settles-dunkin-donuts-suit-522000/72255068/

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